Thai junta targets alcohol in latest compliance crackdown
Since mounting Thailand’s 12th successful coup military intervention since 1932 on May 22 the Thailand military, under the command of Thai army chief General Prayuth Chan-o-cha, has presided over a (long overdue) ramping up of…
2014 Thailand coup day 1 photo special (gallery)
Thais this morning (May 23) emerged to their first day living under the country’s 12th coup d’état since it became a constitutional monarchy in 1932 after Thailand’s army chief, General Prayuth Chan-o-cha, declared yesterday (May…
Is Myanmar another Rwanda genocide in the making?

The events of the last two weeks in Myanmar bear considerable similarity to events a little over 19 years ago in a country that became synonymous with the abject failure of the United Nations (UN)…
Thailand FM: Thais need educating that foreigners visiting Thailand are not targets

The image of Thailand’s high-value tourism industry has taken a battering courtesy of the country’s foreign minister, Surapong Tovichakchaikul, who said a campaign is needed to educate Thai people that foreigners visiting the kingdom are…
Betrayal in the land of smiles — the death of Gareth Paul Davies

The death of Leicestershire English teacher Gareth Davies is one of the most needless deaths to have occurred in Thailand in several years and in the final analysis amounts to nothing more than a betrayal…
Australian journalism’s day of shame

The revelation of comments allegedly made by Federal Treasurer Peter Costello to three Canberra press gallery journalists over a presumably boozy dinner more than two-and-a-half years ago will forever damage the relationship Australian journalists have…