The Gareth Davies eMails provide an interesting insight into the the life of an English teacher in Bangkok, Mr Davies’ commitment to his students, and also go part of the way in answering the question of why he didn’t fly home before getting so seriously ill.
Note: The eMails below are direct copies of the contents as sent. They have not been edited for grammatical or typing errors. Copies of the eMails are held by photo-journ’s newsblog
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 23:17:06 +0700
Subject: Re: It’s no use crying over spilt milk
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Hi Xxxxxxxx
That is a great shame about your abstract after so much work you put in, I would be really annoyed.
Brilliant photo of the Mountain goats (ibyxes?) on the dam. I will show it to my Summer school students tomorrow as an exsmple of how animals can adapt to their conditions, (They must live on mountains normally). The kids at Praamsamitt (sp?) are really good. They are all 12- 13 years old and Thai but their English and knowledge is as good as some Uni students I’ve taught.
I have been to see a dermotologist (sic) at a local hospital. Vipasomething on Pattanakarn Rd. I have had two blood tests and no treatment so far at a cost of 3,700 Baht (Is this a fair price?) She eliminated some things from the results of the first test and suspects I may have CREST syndrome, Some of my symptoms match (cold numb fingers) but others don’t. I have to go back tomorrow to see the Immunologist (Sp) as there is a crossover with my symptoms.
Take care
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 18:02:46 +0700
Subject: Re: How was your blood tests result?
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Hi Xxxxxxxx
I have got to wait at least a week before the results come in.
I can tell you that I think the diagnosis is correct. I have lots of the symptoms. my skin doesn’t heal properly after cuts. Acid reflux. Reynars my fingers and hands are very sensitive to cold.heart problems.
2011/4/2 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx < [email protected]> wrote:
AJ Garf,
It’s more than a week!
Has the blood result come?
Has the doctor make the definite diagnosis?
And have you met your dermatologist friend?
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 12:09:08 +0700
Subject: Re: How was your blood tests result?
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Hi Xxxxx
1) No
2) No
3) No
I am waiting to get a full time job before I get the full diagnosis, I think you can guess the reasoning.
I will keep you informed, I promise
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:32:10 +0700
Subject: Re: Gareth Davies also commented on Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx’s
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Hi Xxxxxxxx
I don’t have any medicine for my red spots on face and hands. I didn’t think that there was any. After next month I should have medical insurance from the uni.
I would be grateful if you could find out more about medicine tablets for my red spots.
( Continues … )