Thailand Social Security Act

Thailand Social Security Act
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Thailand Social Security Act #4

In holding an inquiry, if an inquiry official is of the opinion that any person who has committed an offence under this Act at a level where the punishment can be settled, has agreed to have the case settled, the inquiry official shall submit the case to the Secretary-General or the Provincial Governor, as the case may be, within seven days as from the date such person agreed to have the case settled.

When the offender has paid the fine so fixed within thirty days, the case shall be deemed to be settled according to the Penal Procedure Code.

If the offender does not agree to have the case settled or after having agreed to have the case settled, fails to pay the fine within the prescribed time under paragraph three, the case shall be further proceeded.

Transitory Provisions

Section 103. This Act shall be enforced for an undertaking which employs twenty employees or more as from the date this Act comes into force.

This Act shall be enforced for an undertaking which employs ten employees or more after a period of three years from the date of its coming into force.

This Act shall apply to the employer having employees less than ten persons in locality and time as prescribed in the Royal Decree.

Section 104. The collection of contributions shall be carried out for the purpose of providing injury or sickness benefits, invalidity benefits, death benefit not relating to work and maternity benefits as form the date the provisions of chapter 2 of title 2 comes into force.

The collection of contributions for child benefits and old-age benefits shall be prescribed in the Royal Decree, which shall not be in force later than 31 st December B.E. 2541.

The commencement for collection of contributions for unemployment benefits shall be prescribed in the Royal Decree.
Countersigned by:
Major General Chatchai Choonhavan
Prime Minister


Rates of fees

(1) Substitute for social security 50 Baht each certificate of registration

(2) Substitute for social security card 10 Baht each



Unofficial Translation



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Thailand Social Security Act



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